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“Thanks for all of the help getting me back to work. The whole body approach is awesome. I have learned a lot of new skills to keep me healthy, not only for my shoulder, but my hip and neck too.”

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

“PGAP” is a structured activities treatment program with the goal to help injured workers reduce the impact of their disability, increase physical activity and restore function at a level consistent with pre-injury status.

A trained coach assists in establishing, monitoring and recording pre-established goals, which focus on community re-integration and transition back to the workforce. The PGAP clinician will provide a workbook with weekly assignments for the client to complete.

Program Duration

This program consists of one 1-hour session each week for up to a period of 10 weeks. PGAP can be used as a stand-alone treatment, but when appropriate, may also be paired with physical therapy, occupational therapy or a work conditioning program to help accelerate a client’s progress.


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