Getting Help
Find out how you can access the treatment you need to return to work.
See resources and FAQ about work injuries below.

Additional Resources
Step 2: Notify your employer of your injury
When it is safe to do so, let your employer know that you have been injured. You can find details on how to do this successfully HERE.
Step 5: Find an LNI network provider
When seeking follow up care for your injury, it’s important to seek out doctors within the Washington State Labor and Industry (LNI) network to ensure proper management of your claim. To find out which care providers are in this network, follow the link HERE or make an appointment with our LNI network provider below!
Click on any of the questions below to find out more
What is WA Labor and Industries (LNI)?
WA State Labor and Industries (LNI) is an insurance benefit program available to workers injured on the job. A worker is automatically entitled to receive certain benefits as a result of an injury or illness that occurred during the course of employment.
In order to receive these benefits, the worker must open a claim to document the exact time, place, and nature of the injury. Any care provider in Washington state can open a claim, only providers in the LNI network can manage it and assist the worker in receiving benefits.
What type of providers can be in the LNI Network?
- Medical Doctors (MD)
- Physician Assistants (PA-C)
- Naturopathic physicians (ND)
- Osteopathic Physicians (DO)
- Nurse Practitioners (ARNP)
- Chiropractic Physicians (DC)
Provided they are members of the LNI provider network, these professionals can direct your care and become what are commonly known as “Attending Providers.” They direct the client to therapy, psychology, diagnostic testing (MRI, X-ray, CT, Ultrasound, etc) and other medical specialists when they do not possess or provide all the services you need.
What can I expect from my medical provider?
Your doctor will:
- Certify whether your injury is work-related
- Help you file a workers’ compensation claim
- Assign a work injury claim number (if applicable)
- Work with you to decide when you can return to work
- Recommend any further treatment you may need
Sometimes doctors who are new to the system and work injuries may not know about all of the processes necessary for starting a work injury claim. If you think you have a work-related injury and have not received paperwork for a claim opening (assigning of a work injury claim number) you should ask the doctor about this immediately and either you or the doctor can always contact WA Labor and Industries for help.
Can your employer choose your provider?
You may see a company doctor if you wish, but you have the right to choose your doctor and also to decide who, if anyone, you want to accompany you to the doctor.
Can your employer send someone with you to your appointment?
Yes, but you have the right to decline to have the company nurse or any employer representative accompany you to the hospital, doctor, or any other medical visit. Your employer can’t discriminate or retaliate against you. Contact WA Labor and Industries if you need assistance.
Where can I learn more about Washington State work related injuries?
You can learn more about work related injuries and how you can receive compensation at the WA Labor and Industries website.