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Mental Health After A Work Injury

Mental Health After a Work Injury

Are you experiencing emotional, mental, or psychological issues because of an injury that occurred at work? Struggling with mental health after a work injury can be just as challenging as dealing with physical complications. Depression is common, particularly if a worker is off work for an extended period. When someone who is used to working every day no longer has a routine or sense of purpose, can feel isolated and lonely during their recovery. The financial stress alone can be very difficult, taking a toll on social and/or family life, particularly for someone who was the sole provider.

Additionally, injured workers may feel they are alone and without support. They may be struggling with caring for themselves, relying on other people to help with housework and/or personal care. If this type of isolation increases, feelings of anxiety, low confidence, and depression can make these psychological struggles even more complex.

Managing the Issue – Rehabilitation for Brain Injury

Here at Northwest Return to Work (NWRTW), our rehabilitation providers know that an injured worker’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. A depressed injured worker can take longer to recover, and the longer they are off work, the more anxiety they experience. This is why we provide a holistic approach to our rehabilitation, focusing not only on physical injuries but overall health and well-being. Workplace injuries can vary from minor to near death with varying degrees of medical care and rehabilitation. Just as the injuries are different, so too is workplace rehabilitation and the process of returning to work safely.

What is Workplace Rehabilitation?

Workplace rehabilitation is the process of assisting someone to return to work after an injury. Part of the rehabilitation process may involve a program that will allow them to return to duties suitable during the recovery period or return to their role over time. This may include gradually returning to their pre-injury role, or in some cases training to gain new skills or assistance. Each program will depend on the type of injury and the worker’s role in recovery.

Psychological injuries need the same level of assessment, treatment, and fast re-engagement back into the workplace. Our rehabilitation psychologists rely on in-depth research and unique training to help individuals who may be struggling in their daily lives due to physical disabilities, psychological trauma, brain injury, or chronic illnesses.

The goal of rehabilitation is to help individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions improve the quality of their lives. Rehabilitation psychologists are concerned with all the factors in people’s lives, from the support they receive from family and friends to the relationships they have with their team of treatment providers.

Programs Available

At NWRTW we have many options for injured workers to get the help they need. If you have experienced an injury and are struggling with issues beyond physical limitations, we can help. If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health after a work injury Behavioral Health Intervention provides expert mental health support to anyone with an existing work injury claim. After an injury, it’s normal for someone to struggle with parts of life that once felt manageable. Even if someone has received physical therapy, occupational therapy, or even surgery, there may still be difficulties in everyday life. Nobody should have to recover alone.

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