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“Thanks for all of the help getting me back to work. The whole body approach is awesome. I have learned a lot of new skills to keep me healthy, not only for my shoulder, but my hip and neck too.”

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a proven safe and effective form of treatment shown to restore lost motion and function in injured workers suffering from musculoskeletal injuries and occupational impairments.

Chiropractic care provides not only treatment post-injury, but also claims management, claim opening, and referrals for diagnostic imaging. If more specialized treatment is requested, referrals to other specialty services can be provided. These services focus on the needs of the worker and the injury. Read more about these services HERE.

Additionally, our physicians assist the injured worker in the safe return to work by establishing the patients current physical status through questioning, imaging, diagnostic testing and physical examination.

The goal of treatment is to return the patient to their job of injury and preaccident function as quickly and safely as possible.

Program Duration

Depending on the nature of the injury, treatment duration can last from weeks to months. Typically treatment protocols call for the patient to be seen 3 times a week until approximately 5075% improved and then 2 times a week until the patient has returned to their preinjury status or is determined to be Fixed and Stable” according to predetermined measures.

Chiropractic Care might be the right program for you if:

  • You have just suffered an acute injury or is experiencing repetitive progressive symptoms and impairment.
  • You are experiencing
    • pain
    • Numbness
    • Tingling
    • Loss of motion, stamina, strength and function
    • Muscle tension
    • Spasms, or swelling

Have questions? We’re here to help.

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